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Kissflow (stylized as KiSSFLOW) is a cloud based workflow automation software developed by OrangeScape Technologies. KiSSFLOW offers a web based interface to organize the structured workflow processes of an organization. Special users called "creators" design a structured process in a 5 step wizard which is then published into the application space for all users in the organization to use.

TypeWorkflow Automation Software


Kissflow was launched at Google I/0 2012 and was designed to work along with Google Apps and it provides a user experience that is consistent with Google services such as Gmail and Google Docs.

In May 2013, Kissflow announced the support of "Quick Actions" in its notification emails.

"Quick Actions" was a feature announced by Google for its Gmail Interface at Google I/O 2013 In November 2013, Kissflow was one of the first applications that were made available with the new Google Apps Marketplace Experience.


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Aug 6, 2016, 2:47 AM
Citation Linktechcrunch.com"OrangeScape Launches Kissflow, A Workflow-Builder For Google Apps"
Aug 6, 2016, 2:47 AM
Citation Linkbetanews.com"KiSSFLOW adds quick action workflow buttons to Google Apps"
Aug 6, 2016, 2:47 AM
Citation Linkgmailblog.blogspot.co.uk"Take action right from the inbox"
Aug 6, 2016, 2:47 AM
Citation Linktechcrunch.com"Eyeing Up Amazon and Salesforce, Google Updates Its Apps Marketplace For Enterprises"
Aug 6, 2016, 2:47 AM