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Julia is usually a feminine given name. It has three syllables. It is a Latinate feminine form of the name Julio and Julius. Julius was a Roman family, derived from a founder Julus, the son of Aeneas and Creusa in Roman mythology, although the name's etymology may possibly derive from Greek ἴουλος (ioulos) "downy-[haired, bearded]" or alternatively from the name of the Roman god Jupiter.

Like its male counterpart, Julian, the given name Julia had been in use throughout Late Antiquity (e.g. Julia of Corsica) but became rare during the Middle Ages, and was revived only with the Italian Renaissance. It became common in the English-speaking world only in the 18th century. Today, it is frequently used throughout the world. It was the 10th most popular name for girls born in the United States in 2007 and the 88th most popular name for females in the 1990 census there. It has been among the top 150 names given to girls in the United States for the past 100 years. It was the 89th most popular name for girls born in England and Wales in 2007; the 94th most popular name for girls born in Scotland in 2007; the 13th most popular name for girls born in Spain in 2006; the fifth most popular name for girls born in Sweden in 2007; the 94th most popular name for girls born in Belgium in 2006; the 53rd most popular name for girls born in Norway in 2007; the 70th most popular name for girls born in Hungary in 2005; the 19th most popular name for girls born in British Columbia, Canada in 2006; the 9th most popular name for girls born in Germany in 2005; the 2nd most popular name for girls born in Poland in 2013[1] and the most popular name in Austria.[2][3]

Meaning"of the gens Julia, a descendant of Julus"
Other names
Related namesJulio, Julius, Julian, Julie, Julien, Iulia, Yulia, Juliana, Julianna, Jill, Jillian, Juliet, Juliette, Giuliana


Ancient world

  • Julia (women of the Julii Caesares): Julia (wife of Sulla) (c. 129 BC–c. 104 BC), first wife of Sulla Julia (wife of Marius) (c. 130 BC–69 BC) Julia (mother of Mark Antony) (104 BC–after 39 BC) Julia Major (sister of Caesar) (before 101 BC–?) Julia Minor (sister of Caesar) (101 BC–51 BC), maternal grandmother of Emperor Augustus Julia (daughter of Caesar) (c. 76 BC–54 BC) Livia Drusilla (58 BC–29 AD), also known as Julia Augusta, wife of Emperor Augustus Julia the Elder (39 BC–14 AD), daughter of Emperor Augustus Julia the Younger (19 BC–c. AD 29), daughter of Julia the Elder Julia Livia (before 14–43), granddaughter of Emperor Tiberius Julia Agrippina or Agrippina the Younger (15–59), daughter of the general Germanicus and fourth wife of Emperor Claudius Julia Drusilla (16–38), daughter of Germanicus, sister of Caligula Julia Livilla (18-late AD 41 or early AD 42), daughter of Germanicus, youngest sister of Caligula Julia Drusilla (39–41), daughter of Emperor Caligula

  • Berenice (daughter of Herod Agrippa) (28–after 81), Julia Berenice, princess of the Herodian Dynasty

  • Julia Urania (fl. 1st century), wife of Roman client king Ptolemy of Mauretania

  • Julia Bodina (fl. 1st century), a slave, later freedwoman, of Julia Urania of Mauretania

  • Julia Procilla, mother of Gallo-Roman general Gnaeus Julius Agricola (40–93)

  • Julia Iotapa (daughter of Antiochus III) (before 17–c. 52), Queen of Commagene

  • Julia Iotapa (daughter of Antiochus IV) (c. 45–after 96), Queen of Cetis

  • Julia Iotapa (Cilician princess) (c. 80–2nd century), Princess of Cilicia

  • Julia Mamaea (wife of Polemon II of Pontus) (fl. 1st century), second wife of Polemon II of Pontus

  • Julia (daughter of Tigranes VI of Armenia) (fl. 1st century-possibly 2nd century), Herodian Princess of Armenia

  • Julia Agricola (64–?), daughter of general Gnaeus Julius Agricola and wife to historian Tacitus

  • Julia Flavia (64–91), daughter of emperor Titus

  • Julia Balbilla (72–after 130), poet and companion of Hadrian's wife Vibia Sabina

  • Julia Tertulla (fl. 1st-2nd century), daughter of suffect consul Gaius Julius Cornutus Tertullus

  • Julia Serviana Paulina (died before 136?), niece of Emperor Hadrian

  • Julia Crispina, princess and granddaughter of Julia Berenice

  • Julia Fadilla, younger half-sister to Emperor Antoninus Pius and paternal aunt to Empress Faustina the Younger

  • Julia Domna (160–217), empress and wife of Emperor Septimius Severus

  • Julia Maesa (c. 165–c. 224), Domna's sister

  • Julia Soaemias (180–222), daughter to Julia Maesa and mother of emperor Elagabalus

  • Julia Avita Mamaea (after 180–235), Soaemias' sister and mother of emperor Alexander Severus

  • Julia Severa or Severina (fl. 3rd century), daughter of Emperor Philip the Arab

  • One of the Martyrs of Zaragoza (died c. 303)

  • Julia of Mérida (died 304), martyr

  • Julia of Corsica (died on or after 439), virgin martyr

Modern world

  • Julia (clairvoyant) (fl. 1689), lady's maid of Queen Christina of Sweden in Rome, alleged clairvoyant and predictor

  • Julia Carter Aldrich (1834-1924), American author

  • Julia Alexandratou (born 1985), Greek porn star, singer and model

  • Júlia Almeida (born 1983), Brazilian actress

  • Julia A. Ames (1816-1891), American journalist, editor, temperance reformer

  • Julia Arthur (1869–1950), Canadian-born stage and film actress

  • Julia Barretto (born 1997), Filipino actress

  • Julie Billiart (1751–1816), French Catholic saint

  • Julia Boutros (born 1968), Lebanese singer

  • Julia Budd (born 1983), Canadian martial artist

  • Julia de Burgos (1914–1953), Puerto Rican poet

  • Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney (1823-1908), American educator, poet

  • Julia Child (1912–2004), American gourmet cook, author, and television personality

  • Julia Clarete (born 1979), Filipino singer-actress

  • Julia Cohen (born 1989), American tennis player

  • Julia Colman (1828–1909), American educator, activist, editor, writer

  • Julia Dean (1830-1868), stage actress

  • Julia Dean (1878–1952), stage and film actress

  • Julia C. R. Dorr (1825-1913), American author

  • Julia Duffy (born 1951), American actress

  • Julia Duporty (born 1971), Cuban sprinter

  • Julia Fischer (born 1983), German violinist

  • Julia Wheelock Freeman (1833-1900), American Civil War nurse

  • Julia Gillard (born 1961), Australian politician, Prime Minister

  • Julia Glushko (born 1990), Israeli tennis player

  • Julia Goddard (1825-1896), British children's writer and animal welfare campaigner

  • Julia Gordon, Canadian mathematician

  • Julia Görges (born 1988), German tennis player

  • Julia Grant (1826–1902), wife of U.S. President Ulysses Grant

  • Julia Boynton Green (1861–1957), American poet

  • Julia Haworth (born 1979), British actress

  • Julia Ward Howe (1819–1910), wrote poem that became the Battle Hymn of the Republic

  • Julia Hütter (born 1983), German pole vaulter

  • Julia Irwin (born 1951), Australian politician

  • Julia Jones Pugliese (1909-1993), American national champion fencer and fencing coach

  • Julia Lathrop (1858–1932), American social reformer

  • Ursula Ledóchowska (1865–1939), Roman Catholic saint born Julia Ledóchowska

  • Julia Lennon (1914–1958), mother of John Lennon

  • Julia Lipnitskaya (born 1998), Russian figure skater

  • Julia Louis-Dreyfus (born 1961), American actress, co-star of the TV series Seinfeld

  • Julia Mancuso (born 1984), American skier

  • Julia Marlowe (1865–1950), English-born American actress known for her interpretations of William Shakespeare

  • Julia Menéndez (born 1985), Spanish field hockey defender

  • Julia A. Moore (1847–1920), American poet

  • Julia Morgan (1872–1957), American architect

  • Julia Morton (1912–1996), American author and botanist

  • Julia Murney (born 1969), American actress and singer, best known for her role as Elphaba in Wicked

  • Julia Newmeyer (born 1933), actress known as Julie Newmar who played Catwoman

  • Julia Nyberg (1784–1854), Swedish poet

  • Julia Ormond (born 1965), British actress, star of the movie Legends of the Fall

  • Julia Orsini (born 2004), likes soccer and is an amazing person

  • Julia Perez (1980-2017), known as "Jupe" Indonesian actress, singer, presenter, model, and comedian

  • Julia Piera (born 1970), Spanish poet

  • Julia Phillips (1944–2002), film producer and author

  • Julia Roberts (born 1967), American actress

  • Julia Sanderson (1888–1975), American actress and singer

  • Julia Sakara (born 1969), Zimbabwean middle distance runner

  • Julia Sawalha (born 1968), British actress

  • Julia Schruff (born 1982), Görges's German compatriot and tennis player

  • Julia Stiles (born 1981), American actress, star of the movie 10 Things I Hate about You

  • Julia Sweeney (born 1959), American actor and comedian

  • Julia Swayne Gordon (1878–1933), American actress

  • Julia Vakulenko (born 1983), Ukrainian tennis player

  • Julia Wells (born 1935), actress known as Julie Andrews

  • Julia Wilson (born 1978), Australian rower

  • Julia A. A. Wood (pen name, Minnie Mary Lee; 1826/1830 – 1903), American author

  • Julia McNair Wright (1840–1903), writer

  • Julia Evelyn Ditto Young (1857–1915), American novelist, poet

Fictional characters

  • Julia (Nineteen Eighty-Four), a character in Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

  • Julia (Rave Master), a character in manga series Rave Master

  • Julia (Sesame Street), a character with autism in the children's television series Sesame Street

  • Julia, a character in The Ragwitch by Garth Nix

  • Julia, a character in William Shakespeare's play Two Gentlemen of Verona

  • Julia, a character in the anime series Cowboy Bebop

  • Julia Chang, character in the Tekken video game series

  • Julia "Jules" Cobb, a character played by Courteney Cox on the comedy series Cougar Town

  • Julia Crichton, the female protagonist in Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos

  • Julia Fernandez, a character from the manga and anime Beyblade G-Revolutions

  • Julie "Finn" Finlay, a character played by Elisabeth Shue in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

  • Julia Flyte, a character in Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh

  • Julia Graham, a character in the 2010 adaptation of Parenthood

  • Julia Houston, a character played by Debra Messing on the TV series Smash

  • Julia McNamara, a character on the U.S. television series Nip/Tuck

  • Julia Sugarbaker, a character in the sitcom Designing Women

  • Julia, a character in the 2008 movie of the same name played by Tilda Swinton

  • Donna Julia, a character in the poem "Don Juan" by Lord Byron

  • Julia Ogden, a character in the Canadian television series Murdoch Mysteries

List of variants

See also

  • Julie (given name)

  • Juliet (disambiguation)

  • Julija, given name

  • Yulia, given name

  • Julian


Citation Linkdiminutive-names.com"Top 50 Most Popular Girls' & Boys' Baby Names for 2013 in Poland". diminutive-names.com. 19 January 2014. Archived from the original on 19 January 2014. Retrieved 25 April 2018.
Sep 28, 2019, 10:01 PM
Citation Linkweb.archive.orgCampbell, Mike. "Popularity for the name Julia". Behind the Name. Archived from the original on 28 January 2015. Retrieved 25 April 2018.
Sep 28, 2019, 10:01 PM
Citation Linkweb.archive.org"What Are the Most Common German Names for Boys and Girls?". about.com. Archived from the original on 11 February 2012. Retrieved 25 April 2018.
Sep 28, 2019, 10:01 PM
Citation Linkarchive.today"Top 50 Most Popular Girls' & Boys' Baby Names for 2013 in Poland"
Sep 28, 2019, 10:01 PM
Citation Linkdiminutive-names.comthe original
Sep 28, 2019, 10:01 PM
Citation Linkwww.behindthename.com"Popularity for the name Julia"
Sep 28, 2019, 10:01 PM
Citation Linkweb.archive.orgArchived
Sep 28, 2019, 10:01 PM
Citation Linkgerman.about.com"What Are the Most Common German Names for Boys and Girls?"
Sep 28, 2019, 10:01 PM
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Citation Linken.wikipedia.orgThe original version of this page is from Wikipedia, you can edit the page right here on Everipedia.Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.Additional terms may apply.See everipedia.org/everipedia-termsfor further details.Images/media credited individually (click the icon for details).
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