Jesse Cohn

Jesse Cohn
Jesse Sheppard Cohn is an academic and author of the work Anarchism and the Crisis of Representation. Cohn earned his bachelor's degree in English literature from Earlham College in 1994 before going on to earn an M.A. and PhD from Binghamton University in 1996 and 1999 respectively. After six years on the faculty of Purdue University Northwest, he was promoted to associate professor of English in 2006. Cohn's Science Fiction and Fantasy class was the impetus for the establishment of the "Simulated Selves, Virtual Worlds"film festival.
His work Anarchism and the Crisis of Representation: Hermeneutics, Aesthetics, Politics is a challenge to conventional interpretations of anarchism which investigates the notion of "representation", questioning the legitimacy of some individuals speaking for others. Cohn is a noted critic of postanarchism, as the author of the influential article "What is 'Postanarchism' Post?", a critical review of Saul Newman's From Bakunin to Lacan , as well as the co-author with Shawn P. Wilbur of "What’s Wrong With Postanarchism?" (Theory and Culture). Besides Wilbur, Cohn has collaborated with scholars of anarchism such as Todd May, Lewis Call and Robert Graham, and has been published in journals including Anarchist Studies , Fifth Estate , Radical Philosophy and Postmodern Culture . In 2015, Cohn released the comprehensive study on anarchical revolutions and art entitled, "Underground Passages: Anarchist Resistance Culture, 1848–2011." from AK Press.
Selected publications
"The End of Communication?
The End of Representation?"Fifth Estate
""Belphégor: Littérature Populaire et Culture Médiatique 6.2 (June 2007).
"What Is Anarchist Literary Theory?"Anarchist Studies
Review of Robert M. Philmus, Visions and Re-Visions: (Re)constructing Science Fiction. Utopian Studies
"Imaginary Anarchisms." Review of Benedict Anderson, Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination.
Radical Philosophy
"Anarchism and Essentialism."
Anarchism: A Documentary History, Vol. 2: The Anarchist Current (1939-2006). Robert Graham ed. Montréal: Black Rose Books, 2007.
Anarchism and the Crisis of Representation: Hermeneutics, Aesthetics, Politics. Selinsgrove, PA: Susquehanna University Press, 2006.
Women and Society Encyclopedic Dictionary. January 22, 2004.
Review of A Brighter Morn: The Shelley Circle’s Utopian Project, ed. Darby Lewes. Utopian Studies 15.1 (2004): 131-133.
With Shawn P. Wilbur: "What’s Wrong With Postanarchism?"Theory and Politics (August 31, 2003).
""Culture and the State, Vol. 4: Alternative Interventions. James Gifford and Gabrielle Zezulka-Mailloux eds. (Edmonton, Canada: CRC Humanities Studio, 2003): 54-63. [Republished in NeMe, January 15, 2006.]
"What is 'Postanarchism' Post?" Review of Saul Newman, From Bakunin to Lacan: Anti-Authoritarianism and the Dislocation of Power ."Postmodern Culture
"Jane Smiley."Contemporary American Women Fiction Writers: An A-to-Z Guide. Rhonda Austin and Laurie Champion eds. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood, 2002. 338-343.
""Culture Machine 3 (March 26, 2001).
"American Nihilism in American Beauty."
The Ampersand (June 2001).
"William Blake’s ‘The Mental Traveller.'" The Explicator 58.3 (Spring 2000): 130-133.
"An Exemplary Failure: Pat Murphy’s The City, Not Long After and the dilemmas of anarchist utopian fiction."
Anarchist Studies 7.2 (1999): 119-125.
With Lewis Call, Karén Karapetyan, Todd May, Stevphen Shukaitis, and Simon Tormey: "Nietzsche ve Anarşizm Soruşturması [trans. of 'Some Remarks on Nietzsche and Anarchism']." Siyahî 2.7 (Spring 2006): 8-25.