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LeafyIsHere (born: August 18, 1995) in Utah, better known online as LeafyIsHere (or simply Leafy), is an American YouTube former commentator and comedian residing in New York City (previously living in Seattle, Washington), who made commentary, reaction, and drama videos.

Early Life

Calvin Lee Vail was born on August 18, 1995, better known online as LeafyIsHere.

He comes from a troubled family background and endured a difficult childhood.

His parents struggled with substance abuse and his father even attempted suicide.

Calvin became seriously involved in Video game s and eventually began to upload gameplay videos. His YouTube videos became a source of solace and a way to express his views, concerns and individuality, and attained a phenomenal level of popularity.


Calvin travels a lot between Europe and America.

He is very interested in Video game s and his first few videos depicted Minecraft and Fallout 3 gameplay. He also hosts videos of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gameplay. Calvin’s videos are always new and interesting in their content. He covers a wide range of topics, and his commentaries reflect his own problems and concerns. But they are also a reflection of the youth culture and cyber culture of which he is a part.

In January 2016, Calvin video uploaded a video called "THE SADDEST MAN ON YouTube ", where he talked about the YouTuber known as MrBlackDarkness666, a depressed goth who always got harassed by different people, even little children, where he would tell them to kill themselves.

He saw Calvin's video as harassment, so he released a video called LEAFYISHERE GO F**K YOURSELF. In the video, he talked about how his girlfriend broke up with him because she thought that Calvin's video had a point. At the end of the video, he showed a photo of Calvin in real life, setting it on fire with a cigarette and ripping it apart, showing that he could make Calvin leave him alone.

Eventually, Calvin responded with a video THE SADDEST MAN ON THE INTERNET.

In the video, Calvin said that the video on MrBlackDarkness666 wasn't intended for harassment and he apologized, but he also said that it wasn't his fault that his ex broke up with him.

In the end, the two appeared on DramaAlert, where they apologized to each other.

He stopped uploading on YouTube on December 12, 2017, due to the changes of YouTube that brought down his channel and he expressed that he'd be gone for the time being.

He posted a video responding to drama with iDubbbzTV and his girlfriend on March 31, 2020. Many people speculate that he is returning to YouTube but in an interview conducted by Keemstar of DramaAlert, he says that he will only make videos for fun on LeafyIsHere and post less frequently.

Calvin is one of the most profane YouTubers on the site, swearing almost every 10 seconds in all his videos.


LeafyIsHere was in controversy recently for Cyberbullying an autistic Youtuber TommyNC2010. Leafy has been accused of 'bullying' other YouTubers for views. His His abrasive style of commentating on other people is considered to be cruel. For mocking TommyNC2010, Leafy was bombard with criticism. In his defense, Leafy said that he had no idea Tommy’s apparent learning disability.

The main focuses of Calvin's videos are his commentaries, but he often displays gameplay footage in the background of his videos including various different video games, though most commonly the "surf" game mode in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), as well as games such as A Story About My Uncle, Doom, and Over watch.

Calvin started off his YouTube channel originally posting Minecraft gameplay videos at the age of 16.

He owned a @ParaPVP Minecraft[2] server to game upon, however, he made a kid angry, who ended up calling him a "butt muncher" and DDOSed his Minecraft server.

Calvin, therefore, moved onto CS:GO gameplay, which helped his channel grow.

He combines personal expression of angst with a more casual glimpse into his life and views.

He also combines social banter and personal storytelling with knowledgeable and entertaining game play of several popular Video game. Besides this, he has created a sort of fantasy world where he, as a character, lives and interacts through his cyber persona, which has almost taken a life of its own. Thus, he has created a sort of double identities, as Calvin and as Leafy, and the internet becomes a platform for the expression of the different sides of his personality that perhaps do not find expression elsewhere. Calvin has been a pioneer in the creation of this subculture and has a very loyal and extensive fan base. The manner of his rise to popularity, his method of expression, and the media he uses, all of these make him unique.


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