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G.992.5 (also referred to as ADSL2+, G.dmt.bis+, and G.adslplus[1]) is an ITU-T standard for asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) broadband Internet access. The standard has a maximum theoretical download speed of 24 Mbit/s. Utilizing G.992.5 Annex M upload speeds of 3.3 Mbit/s can be achieved.

Technical information

ADSL2+ extends the capability of basic ADSL by doubling the number of downstream channels. The data rates can be as high as 24 Mbit/s downstream and up to 1.4 Mbit/s upstream depending on the distance from the DSLAM to the customer's premises.

ADSL2+ is capable of doubling the frequency band of typical ADSL connections from 1.1 MHz to 2.2 MHz. This doubles the downstream data rates of the previous ADSL2 standard (which was up to 12 Mbit/s), and like the previous standards will degrade from its peak bitrate after a certain distance.

ADSL2+ also allows port bonding. This is where multiple ports are physically provisioned to the end user and the total bandwidth is equal to the sum of all provisioned ports. So if 2 lines capable of 24 Mbit/s were bonded the end result would be a connection capable of 48 Mbit/s download and twice the original upload speed. Not all DSLAM vendors have implemented this functionality. ADSL2+ port bonding is also known as G.998.x or G.Bond.

ITU-T SpecDescription
G.998.1ATM-based multi-pair bonding: A method for bonding of multiple DSL lines to transport an ATM payload beyond the rate/reach capability of a single DSL loop. This protocol allows the bonding of 2 to 32 pairs and supports dynamic removal and restoration of pairs without human intervention.
G.998.2Ethernet-based multi-pair bonding: Provides a method for bonding of multiple DSL lines for Ethernet transport. This recommendation builds on the IEEE 802.3ah-2004 methods and extends Ethernet transport over other xDSL technologies, including ADSL.
G.998.3Multi-pair bonding using time-division inverse multiplexing: Details a method for bonding DSL lines using time-division inverse multiplexing (TDIM). This recommendation uses IEEE 802.3ah handshake for pair discovery, parameter negotiation, and setup. It also allows the hitless addition and removal of pairs and the fast removal of a pair upon pair failure.




In Austria, ADSL2+ is offered by all copper-line service providers, with major ones being Telekom Austria, Tele2 Austria, UPC and Silver Server. The majority of DSLAMs are capable of supporting ADSL2+ technology while older equipment is limited to ADSL.


ADSL2+ has a coverage of 85% nationwide. Initially, ADSL2+ was used to support IPTV (this is still the case if VDSL2 isn't available). Speeds are limited at 12 Mbit/s. Belgacom's [114] reference offer is called BROBA 2. Smaller ISPs use the BROBA 2 network, as well as providers who have their own ADSL2+ equipment.

There are a few other providers who have their own equipment installed in some cities, availability is therefore narrow:

Destiny NV [115] offers an ADSL2+ subscription for professional use, with speeds of up to 24 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream.

Dommel [116] offers three ADSL2+ subscriptions, with speeds of up to 24 Mbit/s downstream and 3 Mbit/s upstream (annex M).

EDPnet [117] offers two ADSL2+ subscriptions at 24 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream with 100 GB data volume included. They are called ADSL Home (dynamic IP) and ADSL Office (static IP).

Scarlet [118] The package is called Scarlet ADSL20 No limit. The download speed is capped at 20 Mbit/s and upload is as high as 1 Mbit/s, the download volume is based on a FUP. There are several smaller ISPs that use the services of Scarlet. Scarlet's reference offer is called BRUO. Belgacom bought Scarlet, one of the conditions was to sell the BRUO-network to a third party.

Tele2/KPN Belgium [119] offers ADSL2+ subscriptions, the maximum speed is limited at 12 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream. There is no download limit.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

ADSL2+ is offered by the following operators: BH Telecom (website [120] ) nationwide[2] and **Logosoft [121] ** in Sarajevo, Zenica and Tuzla. In the Serb Republic entity, m:tel DSLAM network devices show ADSL2+, however m:tel still continues to provide speeds up to 10240/640 according to their website [122] .


In Bulgaria, ADSL2+ is offered [123] by the national telecom operator Vivacom. Speeds up to 20 Mbit/s downstream and 2 Mbit upstream. Available almost everywhere DSL is offered.


In Croatia, ADSL2+ is offered by all service providers, with major ones being H1 Telekom, T-Com, Optima Telekom, Amis Telekom, Iskon Internet and Metronet telekomunikacije. All DSLAMs are capable of supporting ADSL2+ technology. The foremost reason for introduction of ADSL2+ was introduction of IPTV service by T-Com, which required major bandwidth increase.

Almost all service providers offer ADSL2+ subscriptions at speeds up to 20 Mbit/s downstream and up to 768 kbit/s upstream. All service providers provide a flat-rate model with unlimited traffic. Amis Telekom, VIPNet, H1 Telekom, Iskon, Optima Telekom, and Hrvatski Telekom offer IPTV.

DSL TypeProviderDown (up to kbit/s)Up (up to kbit/s)
ADSL2+Hrvatski Telekom20000768
ADSL2+H1 Telekom20000768
ADSL2+Optima Telekom10000640

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic as of 2008, the ADSL/ADSL2+ coverage is above 90% of all fixed phone lines, however maximum attainable rates vary. In many locations, and even in major cities such as Prague or Brno, the maximum speed does not even reach 4 Mbit/s because of the telephone cabling quality. Pricing plans of the biggest ADSL provider, Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, range from €23 per month for 8,192/512 kbit/s to €27 per month for 16,384/768 kbit/s.

There is also a wholesale offer for alternative ADSL providers, nevertheless the end-user price in such case does not differ significantly from that of O2. Less than 5% of all ADSL customers use the offers based on the wholesale offer.[3]

There are about half dozen alternative ISPs that offer data plans utilizing the so-called LLU. In this case the final price is about 25% lower than that of O2. However the LLU is typically available only in large cities. The list of LLU providers includes the following compaines:

  • GTS Novera [124]

  • České Radiokomunikace [125] – 8,192/512 kbit/s for 699,- CZK (cca €27), 20,480/1,024 for 899,- CZK (cca €35) (pricelist [126] )

  • Volný/Telekom Austria Czech Republic [127] , bought [128] by Dial Telecom [129] in December 2008 – 8,192/512 kbit/s for 699,- CZK (cca €27), 16,384/768 kbit/s for 929,- CZK (€36) (pricelist [130] )

You can check [131] whether there are LLU offers available on your phone line. The site also estimates the maximum attainable speed on your line.


All major DSL providers in Denmark offers ADSL2+, including TeliaSonera, TDC, Telenor, Fullrate, and Perspektiv Bredbånd. As of 2007, approximately 90% of the country is covered, although maximum bandwidth (24 Mbit/s) is available in and around the cities, that is not classified as villages or smaller. TDC provides triple play.


ADSL2+ together with a triple play solution is deployed on a large scale by Elion Enterprises Limited. Download speeds are, depending on package, up to 16 Mbit/s (8 Mbit/s when watching DTV) and upload speeds are up to 1 Mbit/s. A map detailing the availability of ADSL2+ has been made available.[4] ADSL2+ is also offered by Elisa Eesti AS. Speeds range from 5 Mbit/s to 24 Mbit/s.


ADSL2+ and triple play solutions are offered by the major DSL providers (including Elisa Oyj and TeliaSonera) in certain areas. Usually maximum download speed when using ADSL2+ is 24 Mbit/s and upload speed 1 Mbit/s. Also Nebula, SuomiCom, DNA, KPO, JNT, Finnet and many other ISPs provide ADSL2+ connections.


ADSL2+ and triple play solutions are offered by the major DSL providers (including Orange, SFR, Free and Bouygues Telecom) except in some rural areas. Usually maximum download speed when using ADSL2+ is 24 Mbit/s and upload speed 1 Mbit/s.


Deutsche Telekom (DTAG) as former monopolist controls the majority of all end user telephone lines. It has rolled out ADSL2+ technology and now deploys VDSL2 outdoor DSLAMs. Many of the providers listed below are reselling services provided by DTAG or at least rent the last mile from it. Some exceptions are regional providers who offer to connect houses in their areas for around 8000 euros (e.g. Netcologne, Willytel, Wilhelmtel).

DSL TypeProviderResaleDown (up to kbit/s)Up (up to kbit/s)
ADSL2+Deutsche Telekom AGno160002400
ADSL2+Alice DSL/HanseNetsome160001024
ADSL2+Vodafone AG/Arcor AGyes160001024


  • Service Net [132] provides ADSL2+ services from late 2005: Local Upload up to 1 Mbit/s and download speed up to 24 Mbit/s

  • Silknet [133] has enabled ADSL2+ for some PSTN lines and for GEPON technology

  • Caucasus Online [134] has enabled ADSL2+ for some PSTN lines, bases of acquired ISP Sanet, officially not in service since it is pushing GEPON technology

  • New Net [135] is using ADSL2+ for some of subscribers (New Net).


As of November 2014, Cosmote started upgrading their network so they can offer VDSL2 and FTTH to their customers. All DSL providers offer ADSL2+ from their proprietary network. These are:

  • Cosmote – Offers Triple play (Double Play + OTE TV [136] ) – Up to 200 Mbit/s downstream, 20 Mbit/s upstream.

  • CYTA Hellas [137] – Triple play Services[5] – Up to 24 Mbit/s downstream, 1 Mbit/s upstream.

  • Forthnet – Offers triple play services [1] [138] – Up to 24 Mbit/s downstream, 1 Mbit/s upstream.

  • Vodafone – Offers triple play services (Vodafone TV [139] ) – Up to 24 Mbit/s downstream, 1 Mbit/s upstream, via Hellas Online network.

  • WIND Hellas – Offers double play services (Wind Double Play [140] ) – Up to 24 Mbit/s downstream, 1 Mbit/s upstream.


In Hungary, since mid-2006, multiple telecom companies have started offering ADSL2+ services. As of July 2007, T-Com, the biggest Hungarian ISP, is silently upgrading its customers' ADSL connections to ADSL2+, although with no speed changes.


Síminn offers ADSL2+ nationwide. Vodafone Iceland offers ADSL2+ to all its customers


  • Magnet Business [141] offers ADSL2+ services with its roll out to many exchanges in urban areas over the incumbents (eircom) copper local loop. 10 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream is a typical offering for their business broadband. Major cities initially (Limerick, Dublin, Waterford, Portlaoise, Cork, and Galway) as Magnet rolls out its unbundled exchange project. Its ADSL2+ Services are also available to residential customers, along with its fibre to the premises service which is available in certain residential developments.

  • Smart Telecom offer ADSL2+ products to residential customers who are connected to their network of 37 unbundled exchanges covering most of the major cities in Ireland. They have an entirely IP-based NGN (Next Generation Network) built around Multiple Service Access Nodes MSANs and carrier grade voice over IP, multimedia and other services are provided using Thomson SA Cirpack Softswitch technology.

  • BT Ireland On 30 July 2008 BT Ireland launched 24 Mbit/s service on its LLU exchanges.

  • Eircom In April 2009 Eircom, the Irish incumbent Launched 24 Mbit/s and 12 Mbit/s Annex M Services on 100 of its 1,200 exchanges with another 200 smaller exchanges to follow by year end 2009. In January 2010, eircom launched a 24 Mbit/s ADSL2+ Residential Service using Annex A Profile on the same 100 exchanges. By year end 2012 they finally reached 300 exchanges.


Most minor and major Italian operators, now offer rates up to 20Mbit/s.

This offer is theoretical. To actually get the maximum rate, the customer needs to be attached to an ATM DSLAM, served by an STM-1 (fiber optic) converter, that isn't also serving more than two DSLAMs contemporaneously. This kind of network setup is now available almost anywhere, even in small towns.

Since 2007, Telecom Italia is operating Gigabit Ethernet DSLAMs, offering 7, 10 and 20Mbit/s rates. The, still partial, coverage of the GBE solution, is meant to spread to and cover most cities now served by ATM DSLAMs rated at 7 Mbit/s.


GO [2] [142] , as of July 2008, started to offer ADSL2+ speeds between 8 Mbit/s and 20 Mbit/s download speeds in direct competition with local cable internet supplier OnVol [143] . A number of lines are still using ITU G.992.1 Annex B but the company will upgrade the line on demand.

North Macedonia

T-Home and One are the two ISPs which offer ADSL2+ in North Macedonia, with download speeds up to 20 Mbit/s and upload speeds up to 1 Mbit/s. T-Home and On.net can deliver their services across the country. T-Home offer IPTV services, with high definition television (HDTV) and established an optical network to the users in part of the capital city of Skopje in 2010.


The biggest ADSL provider, Moldtelecom is deploying ADSL2+(G.992.5 Annex A) throughout all Moldova. Their current broadband offer tops at 20 Mbit/s download 1 Mbit/s upload for $20 (€15). The new ADSL2+ infrastructure is available since December 2009. Interdnestrcom (Transnistria) – other provider's broadband offer tops at 8 Mbit/s download 512 kbit/s upload for $35 (€26) since 1 April 2010.

The other ADSL2+ provider is Starnet, which deployed its infrastructure mainly in Chisinau and Balti.


Crnogorski Telekom (T-Com) is ISP which offer ADSL2+ in Montenegro (for IPTV – Extra TV service), with download speeds up to 8.5 Mbit/s and upload speeds up to 1 Mbit/s. Crnogorski Telekom deliver its services (ADSL and Extra TV) across the country.

The Netherlands

As of October 2005, several wholesale DSL providers (bbned [144] , Tiscali, KPN Bitstream [145] ) have ADSL2+ coverage on more than 50% of fixed phone lines in the Netherlands. As of September 2007 coverage is optional for 75% of all landlines, with about 1% of all connections having the option for Annex M (newest DSLAMs).


As of 2006, all major DSL providers in Norway offer ADSL2+, notable are DataGuard [146] , Telenor, NextGenTel, Get, Mimer, Enivest, Eidsiva bredbånd [147] , NEAS and Ventelo.


Orange Polska, Netia and Multimo are offering ADSL2+ Internet connection at speed up to 20 Mbit/s (downstream) / 1 Mbit/s (upstream).


Clix was the first operator providing ADSL2+ technology in 2005, later followed by Portugal Telecom brands and Vodafone. These operators offer download speed up to 24 Mbit/s with 1 Mbit/s up. All three operators offer a triple play solution (telephone, Internet, and TV) with TV over IP. In 2009 Portugal Telecom accelerated fiber-optic install on the main cities of the country providing download speeds up to 1000 Mbit/s.


The biggest ADSL provider, Romtelecom (group of Deutsche Telekom) is deploying ADSL2+(G.992.5 Annex A) mainly in medium and larger cities. Their current broadband offer tops at 20 Mbit/s download 1024 kbit/s upload. The new ADSL2+ infrastructure is available since Q2 2008.


The Moscow ADSL provider MTS [148] offers ADSL2+ for some phone lines in Moscow (not all equipment on the lines is upgraded from older ADSL to ADSL2+ yet) up to 20 Mbit/s downstream 896 kbit/s upstream. The global ADSL provider Rostelecom (offers its services under the brand Domolink [149] ) offers ADSL2+ for some phone lines in Moscow and Moscow region up to 15 Mbit/s downstream.


Telekom Srbija offers ADSL2+ up to 20 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream. Moved to VDSL2 from February 1, 2013. supporting speeds up to 100 Mbit/s downstream and 15 Mbit/s upstream.


Most minor and major Slovak operators, now offer rates up to 20Mbit/s. The base speed is set at 5Mbit/s with upload speed up to 512kbit/s. The price starts at €11.99 for FLAT. Deutsche Telekom AG (owns 51%) (Slovak brand – Telekom) with state (owns 49%) control all end user telephone lines. Telekom in 2012 upgraded capacity of DSLAMs and is preparing for VDSL2 technology. July 31, 2013 was announced by Telekom to offer VDSL from 1 September with speed up to 50/5 Mbit/s. Also it will be offered by alternative ISPs.


Jazztel, the first operator to provide the ADSL2+ technology. Orange (formerly Wanadoo) Tele2 España (bought by Vodafone in September 2007) Telefónica Ya.com (bought by Orange in 2007)


  • ADSL2+ (FixNET [150] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced, Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (TTNet [151] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced, Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (Turkcell SuperOnline [152] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced, Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (VodafoneNet [153] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced, Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (DSmart [154] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced, Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (Doping [155] ): Download speed up to 16 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced, Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (TurkNet [156] ): Download speed up to 16 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. There isn't any monthly quota. Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (İŞnet [157] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced, Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (DorukNet [158] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced, Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (Millenicom [159] ): Download speed up to 16 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced, Monthly price 23 USD

  • ADSL2+ (Bringo [160] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Monthly quota of 50 GB. After quota, speed 3 Mbit Download 'is reduced,Monthly price 23 USD

Note: Not all of commercial providers listed.


  • ADSL2+ (Ukrtelecom, TM "OGO!" [161] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 3 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Prices for unlimited access are from USD3 to USD6 (80 to 150 UAH) as of 23.08.2017, and varying from cheapest tariffs in major cities to more expensive in rural areas.

  • ADSL2+ (Vegatelecom, TM "Vega" [162] ): Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and upload 3 Mbit/s for unlimited connection. Prices for unlimited access is fixed throughout company's coverage in the country and equal to USD6 (75 UAH) as of 15.10.2014.

United Kingdom

In the UK, the majority of ADSL2+ providers use a process of local-loop unbundling (LLU) by connecting a customer's phone line directly into their network, bypassing BT's core network, to provide ADSL2+ lines.[6] The availability is then limited only by the number of exchanges unbundled by each telecom operator: it is not necessary to wait for BT Group.

Openreach, which owns nearly all the POTS infrastructure across the country, began rolling out ADSL2+ based services in Jan 2008[7] as part of its 21CN programme to upgrade its core network. In 2012, BT said it was on track to enable exchanges serving around 90% of UK premises during spring 2013.[8]

Such operators include:

  • Andrews & Arnold supports ADSL2+ on BT's 21CN exchanges,[9] as well as TalkTalk’s LLU equipment. Bonding multiple lines is available, where data is sent and received down all the lines. This gives very greatly increased speed and reliability.

  • Aquiss [163] which was an early adopter of the BT Group network solutions, starting ADSL2+ trials from October 2007 with national rollout following shortly afterwards.

  • Cable & Wireless Guernsey/Sure[10] Sure in Guernsey started rolling out 20 Mbit/s on their Sure Internet Pro service in January 2011. Up to 20 Mbit/s download, 1024 kbit/s upload, 20:1 contention ratio

  • Europacom.net [164] provides fast business-quality 21CN broadband specifically for the retail, hospitality and payment card sectors.

  • Cerberus Networks [165] is a provider of business ADSL2+ services in the UK and has relationships with several major LLU providers. Services have up to 48 Mbit/s downstream line rates and 5 Mbit/s upstream when using the X2 bonded service.

  • KCOM Business [3] [166] uses ADSL2+ for all home and business customers. Supports the full 24 Mbit/s downstream. Eclipse uses the BT 21CN network and Tiscali's (now part of Talk Talk) LLU network.

  • Karoo – ISP of Kingston Communications supplies ADSL2+ up to 24 Mbit/s since 2008 – in the Hull Area

  • MacAce.net [167] offer up to 24 Mbit/s broadband via BT's 21CN network specifically tailored to support customers who require Mac OS X technical support.

  • NewNet [4] [168] Supply 24 Mbit/s and 40 Mbit/s ADSL2+ with Unlimited data transfer services on 10 South Coast exchanges since August 2007

  • Origin Broadband the independent ISP and network operator provides ADSL2+ services nationwide.

  • Sky Broadband—incorporating the former Easynet and Be Un Limited companies—is one of the larger ADSL2+ providers in the country, with 1,154 exchanges unbundled as of February 2009.

  • Timico [5] [169] offers business broadband services. Timico now offers as standard a DSL connection to the 21st Century Network in areas where it is available. This delivers download speeds of up to 20 Mbit/s and up to 1.3 Mbit/s upload speeds.

  • TalkTalk operates ADSL2+ services from their LLU enabled exchanges.

  • Plusnet [6] [170] a BT Group subsidiary. Rolled out a full ADSL2+ service on 21 October 2009.

  • uno Communications [171] Provide ADSL2+ 24 Mbit/s services via multiple LLU providers with capped and unmetered data transfer.

  • Utility Warehouse is a switchless carrier or reseller, largely based on the TalkTalk infrastructure, who offers LLU and non-LLU up to 24 Mbit/s. As with all ISPs, the actual throughput speed obtained in practice is usually somewhat lower. However, they offer, only on their standard packages a 28-day agreement rather than the usual 12-month or 18-month contract. They also offer fibre up to 76 Mbit/s in various UK locations with an 18-month minimum term.

  • Zen Internet Ltd provides an ADSL2+ service from over 400 on-net exchanges, as of Nov 2017.

  • Virgin Media [7] [172] now supports ADSL2+. However, this is to be seen as supplementary to their own Hybrid fibre-coaxial cable network, which utilises DOCSIS in preference to DSL. Virgin Media came about as a result of mergers between Telewest and NTL and the subsequent takeover of the Virgin Mobile business.

  • The Phone Coop [173] is a cooperative that now offers LLU. Users become members of the cooperative and thus can receive dividend on the operating surplus.

North America

United States

  • AT&T operates ADSL2+ across several markets, offering speeds up to 18Mbit/s down and 1Mbit/s up on a single line.

  • Cavalier Telephone [174] is a competitive local exchange carrier operating in the Midwest, Mid Atlantic, and South East markets.

  • CenturyLink has deployed ADSL2+ up to 10 Mbit/s down and 768 kbit/s up DSL and up to 4 streams of standard definition IPTV or 2 streams of standard definition and 2 streams of high definition in only some of their service areas.

  • CornerStone Telephone [175] is one of the largest competitive local exchange carriers in New York and has deployed and operates a broadband network supporting ADSL2+ Annex L&M. CornerStone supports on-net customers in Eastern New York.

  • Datavo [176] is a competitive local exchange carrier based in California and serving over 60 CALIX based central offices throughout Los Angeles county and Orange county. They offer ADSL 2+, T-1s and DSL service.

  • Empire One Telecom (EOT) [177] , A competitive local exchange carrier in New York, has deployed ADSL2+, and ADSL2+ Bonded service with speeds up to 48 Mbit/s down with 4 Mbit/s up.

  • Fairpoint Communications [178] , has deployed ADSL2+ to much of its areas, including Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, and other areas around the US.

  • Fastmetrics [179] , San Francisco based business ISP which delivers ADSL2+ to the San Francisco Bay Area at speeds to 15 Mbit/s down and 1 Mbit/s up. Business ADSL2+ includes unlimited data, install, 1 x IP address and hardware. Bonded ADSL2+ available with speeds to 30 Mbit/s down and 5 Mbit/s up. Fastmetrics also offers businesses Metro Ethernet, (Ethernet in the First Mile over copper), T1, DS3, and fiber Internet services in the Bay Area.

  • G4 Communications [180] , the largest competitive local exchange carrier in New Hampshire, has deployed ADSL2+ service throughout the State of New Hampshire at speeds up to 24 Mbit/s down with 1 Mbit/s up.

  • Global Capacity [181] , has deployed services nationally in the United States and now operates in over 4200 central offices and manages the largest ADSL2+ network in the country.

  • GVTC [182] , Texas's largest telephone cooperative, uses ADSL2+ to provide 12 Mbit/s internet service over copper in areas that the co-op hasn't upgraded to fiber yet.

  • GWI [183] has deployed the service in areas of Maine and New Hampshire.

  • LaunchNet [184] has deployed ADSL2+ service in 11 markets throughout the US with download speeds of 15 Mbit/s and upload speeds of 1 Mbit/s.

  • North State Communications, a regional incumbent local exchange carrier that serves the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina, offers ADSL2+ service at speeds up to 20 Mbit/s down and 1 Mbit/s up.

  • Pioneer Broadband [185] has deployed ADSL2+ service in northern Maine, offering speeds up to 48 Mbit/s down, and 2Mbit/s up with line bonding.

  • Sonic.net, an ISP based in Santa Rosa California has deployed ADSL2+ services throughout the San Francisco Bay Area with speeds of up to 40 Mbit/s down and 2 Mbit/s up (with bonding.) ADSL2+ is marketed as "Fusion", a service that includes unlimited data and unlimited POTS voice service.

  • Visionary Communications [186] , a Wyoming based ISP has deployed ADSL2+ services within various Wyoming cities including Casper, Gillette, Sheridan, Douglas, and Buffalo. Offering downstream speeds up to 15Mbit/s. Visionary also provides g.shdsl, Metro Ethernet (Ethernet in the First Mile over copper), as well as T1, DS3, and fiber services in Wyoming.

  • Windstream uses ADSL2+ to provide 12 Mbit/s downstream, 768 kbit/s upstream service to some of their residential customers, as well as 24 Mbit/s downstream, 2 Mbit/s up service to business customers.

Independent telephone companies and rural carriers of North America probably have the highest total number of ADSL2+ subscribers collectively as they are using such technology to deliver the so-called triple play voice, video and data services in order to compete with the RBOCs and cable companies with their incumbent local exchange carrier and competitive local exchange carrier footprint.


  • Vodalink Telecom (vodalink.ca) provides ADSL2+ Service in Quebec and Ontario mostly using FTTN that is still just as fast and reliable.

  • BCE inc. – Bell [187] Service, marketed as Fibe [188] is available in parts of Ontario and Quebec, though not all Fibe packages are ADSL2+. FTTN is often used by Bell for these services which is still reliant on copper wiring to customer premises.

  • Bell Aliant – [8] [189] Service is available in selected areas of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador and Prince Edward Island, subject to market requirements and technical feasibility.[11]

  • Colbanet has deployed the service in specific COs in Quebec.

  • Fibernetics Corporation [190] is one of Canada's fastest growing telecommunications companies. With competitive local exchange carrier status, they provide DSL and their unique IP-PBX IP phone system to select areas of Ontario. Their ADSL2+ network covers parts of the Kitchener-Waterloo region and Barrie.

  • kangunet [191] , December 2008, started to offer ADSL2+ service at 8 Mbit/s downstream with 800 kbit/s upstream. The service is available only to the bell network.ADSL2+ voice over IP DSLAM provided by CALIX C7 [192]

  • Openface Internet [193] – [9] [194] Service is available in parts of Quebec (primarily in Montreal). Openface specializes in Internet connections for businesses, with speeds of up to 22 Mbit/s downstream and 22 Mbit/s upstream.

  • SaskTel in Saskatchewan.

  • Cooptel in Quebec, offert ADSL2+, VDSL2+ and fiber.

  • Sogetel is an independent phone company in Québec that uses this technology to deliver triple play.

  • TELUS in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada runs ADSL2+ (G.992.5 annex A) up to 25 Mbit/s downstream, 6 Mbit/s upstream.

  • Telx Inc. www.telx-inc.com in Ontario, runs ADSL2+ up to 16 Mbit/s down, 1.3 Mbit/s up.

  • Vianet Internet Solutions – Vianet [195] in Ontario. Supplies ADSL2+ Co-Located DSL, up to 24 Mbit/s downstream, up to 1.5 Mbit/s upstream.

  • VIC Communications [196] Service is available in selected areas of Ontario, subject to the market requirements and technical feasibility. ADSL2 is being deployed in selected areas to offer IPTV delivery, and higher access speeds.


Mexican operator Telmex runs ADSL2+ service with a download speed of up to 24Mbit/s and Upstream 1204 kbit/s; This operator is deploying its FTTH Network which is already available for certain customers.

Central America


CLARO in Guatemala has deployed services across Guatemala City and nearby zones, its deploying ADSL2+ in other cities and now operates the largest ADSL2+ network in the country. Deliver speeds capacity up to 10 Mbit/s downstream and 1024 kbit/s upstream.

Costa Rica

Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) provides ADSL2+ to most of the country with speeds from 512/256 kbit/s to 20Mbit/s down and 1Mbit/s up [12]

Dominican Republic

Claro offers speeds ranging from 1Mbit/s down and 256kbit/s up to 10Mbit/s down and 1Mbit/s up. The upgrade to ADSL2+ was required to provide enough bandwidth for the company's IPTV and voice over IP services.

Puerto Rico

Claro offers speeds ranging from 512kbit/s down and 512kbit/s up to 50Mbit/s down and 1Mbit/s up.

South America


ADSL2+ (Telecom Argentina S.A. ISP:Arnet): Downstream speed up to 20 Mbit/s and upstream 1 Mbit/s – www.telecom.com.ar [197] and www.arnet.com.ar [198]


  • ADSL2+ (Global Village Telecom; http://www.gvt.com.br [199] ): Downstream speed up to 25 Mbit/s (15 Mbit/s in some cities) and upstream 1 Mbit/s.

  • ADSL2+ (CTBC; http://www.ctbc.com.br [200] ) : Downstream speed up to 10 Mbit/s and upstream 1 Mbit/s.

  • ADSL2+ (Sercomtel): Downstream speed up to 20 Mbit/s and upstream 1 Mbit/s – http://www.sercomtel.com.br [201] (in 2007, started the offer of IPTv using the ADSL Network).

  • ADSL2+ (Telefônica; http://www.speedy.com.br/ [202] ): ADSL2+ still running up to 10 Mbit/s for download and 600 kbit/s for upload.

  • ADSL2+ (Oi; http://www.oi.com.br [203] ): Downstream speed up to 15 Mbit/s and upstream up to 1 Mbit/s

  • ADSL2+ (Teletalk; http://www.teletalk.com.br [204] ): Downstream speed up to 12 Mbit/s and upstream up to 1 Mbit/s or 800kbit/s – Although most of coverage area are limited to 8 Mbit/s downstream 300 kbit/s Upstream (as of August 2011) due to distance from the CO, but mainly because of marketing practices

  • ADSL2+ (Vcnet; http://www.vcnet.com.br/ [205] ): ADSL2+ still running up to 15 Mbit/s for download and 1 Mbit/s for upload.


  • Telefonica del sur [206] Offers up to 20 Mbit/s, video on demand, digital television and other products using ADSL2+ (G.992.5 Annex A).

  • GTD Manquehue [207] Offers up to 20 Mbit/s and other products using ADSL2+ (G.992.5 Annex A and M).


  • UNE EPM [208] offers up to 20 Mbit/s Internet using ADSL+2 (G.992.5 Annex A).

  • EDATEL SA ESP [209] offers up to 20 Mbit/s internet using ADSL+2 (G.992.5 Annex A) in Córdoba, Antioquia, Sucre, city of Valledupar and municipality of Barrancabermeja.



  • CANTV offers up to 10Mbit/s downstream and up to 512 or 768 kbit/s upstream,

It is well known that in Venezuela, Internet has slowdown problems on the downstream side, because CANTV's links are saturated, due to high demand and low investments. Raised. On April 8, 2013, CANTV offered 4Mbits service. On June 26, 2013, CANTV offered 6Mbits service. On May 22, 2014, CANTV offered 8Mbits and 10 Mbits service.



As of late 2008, all of Australia's largest ISPs are offering ADSL2+ services delivered on a variety of networks. The following list shows telecommunications providers who own and operate their own ADSL2+ infrastructure:

  • aaNet

  • Adam Internet (Annex A, Annex M)

  • Amnet (Annex A)

  • Aussie Broadband Pty Ltd (Annex M)

  • EFTel (Annex A)

  • iiNet (Annex A, Annex M)

  • Internode (Annex A, Annex M)

  • LinearG Internet (Annex A, Annex M)

  • Netspace (Annex A)

  • Nextep (Annex A)

  • OntheNet (Annex A)

  • Optus (Annex A)

  • PowerTel (Annex A)

  • Preferred Internet Provider (Annex A)

  • Primus Telecom (Annex A)

  • TPG Telecom (Annex A)

  • Telstra (Annex A)

  • TSN Communications (Annex A)

Australia's first commercial ADSL2+ service was launched in 2005 by ISP Internode on the Agile DSLAM network.[13]

In 2006, Optus announced that it would sell its ADSL2+ network wholesale to other ISPs. At the completion of the rollout, the Optus DSLAM network was the largest wholesale ADSL2+ network in Australia, covering over 360 telephone exchanges.

2006 also saw Internode trial – and subsequently release – ADSL2+ Annex M services for business users.[14] In November, Telstra BigPond, Australia's largest internet service provider launched a retail ADSL2+ service to its customers. Although Telstra had been aggressively rolling-out ADSL2+ DSLAMs for some time, the company made a strategic decision to enable services only where competitors had already deployed DSLAM infrastructure, citing the possibility of a forced wholesale regime by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

In 2007, OPEL Networks was awarded nearly $1 billion of government funding to assist with a rollout of broadband in regional areas. Along with wireless broadband and an extensive fibre optic transmission network, the project was to see an extended rollout of ADSL2+ DSLAMs to many regional centres.[15] The program was cancelled in April 2008 by the Labor government, citing coverage issues.[16]

In January 2008 Telstra lifted the lid on its ADSL2+ network after the Australian government and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission issued guarantees that the company would not be forced to wholesale ADSL2+ services from its 900 ADSL2+-enabled exchanges.[17] Seven months later, Telstra Wholesale signed agreements with People Telecom and PacNet to make ADSL2+ tails available to those customers.[18]

As of December 2008, out of 2759 ADSL-enabled telephone exchanges, Telstra has enabled 1403 for ADSL2+ services.[19]

New Zealand

Telecom New Zealand deployed its first ADSL2+ exchange in March 2007 and started upgrading exchanges with more than 500 lines. A program started to deploy 3,600 roadside cabinets and 2,500 kilometres of new fibre-optic cable with the aim of making broadband connections between 10 Mbit/s and 20 Mbit/s available to 80% of New Zealanders by the end of 2011. As of September 2009 about 50% of the approximately 1.8M New Zealand homes were within reach of ADSL2+. With the onset of local-loop unbundling in New Zealand, competing Internet-service providers such as Compass, Callplus, VodafoneNZ and Orcon also installed ADSL2+ DSLAMs in Telecom's exchanges. On 13 March 2008, Orcon announced [210] its offer of ADSL2+ services to the general public.

Following the structural separation of the incumbent Telecom New Zealand in November 2011, the wholesale arm - Chorus - took up the ownership and operation of Telecom's ADSL network. Chorus provides an ADSL2 broadband availability tool [211] depicting ADSL2 coverage.

Orcon have a coverage map [212] showing the availability of its ADSL2 coverage.


NIGER TELECOMS [213] company provides ADSL2+ in NIGER. It's the first telecommunication company that provides ADSL+ in Niger.


TE Data has announced the launch of ADSL2+ service with speeds up to 24 Mbit/s and they have used their wide coverage all over Egypt in order to avail this service in 99% of the land lines, building on its unique relationship with Telecom Egypt and being the largest ISP in Egypt regarding the international bandwidth available, which was clear when it was the only operating ISP during the famous marine cable cut during February 2008. while LINKdotNET had deployed ADSL2+ on a normal copper line at 5 Mbit/s, 8 Mbit/s, 12 Mbit/s, and 24 Mbit/s being the first to offer beyond the 2 Mbit/s and also providing the highest in the country. LINKdotNET claims that it has "the fastest Internet access package in the Middle East". TE Data and LINKdotNET are the only providers who provide ADSL2+ in Egypt because of their use of Alcatel DSLAMs.


LTT Company [214] has begun providing this service in September 2007, it works fine, but the speed has not been increased yet, it is still 256 kbit/s download, and about 128 kbit/s upload for home users. It also provides xDSL services for business users with speeds from 256 kbit/s to 8 Mbit/s.

In 2007 LTT company started to provide ADSL2+ with 512 kbit/s downstream for home users, also it launched in the beginning of 2009 the Wimax called Libya Max which provides internet wireless.

South Africa

Telkom SA has upgraded many of its exchanges to support ADSL2+ up to a maximum downstream speed of 20Mbit/s and 1Mbit/s upload. As of August 2012 there are close to 200,000 subscribers upgraded onto this service.[20] Availability is determined by the proliferation of higher bandwidth backhaul in order to support the larger amount of data required.



Three of Bahrain's ISP's:- Batelco, Etisalcom and Lightspeed Communication provide up to 16 Mbit/s downstream (1 Mbit/s upstream) of ADSL2+ broadband Internet connection with only Batelco supporting up to 2 Mbit/s upstream.[21][22][23]


BTCL – Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited Provides Up to 2 Mbit/sdownstream with its ADSL2+ Broadband Internet connection. Although there are new internet service providers such as qubee and banglalion who are also offering up to 2 M/bits/p/s. Other than that several other network providers such as Grameenphone, Aktel, Airtel, Citycell (zoom) and Banglalink.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong's internet service provider Netvigator provides 18 Mbit/s downstream (1 Mbit/s upstream) of ADSL2+ broadband Internet connection.


Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL) offers ADSL2+ Broadband under the DataOne brand name, with advertised speeds up to 24 Mbit/s (download)

Likewise, MTNL offers the Triband service. Airtel claims a maximum speeds of up to 16 Mbit/s for its ADSL2+ service. TTML and VSNL also provide ADSL2+, with speeds up to 2 Mbit/s. India has over 7 million DSL subscribers, 80% of which are on the ADSL2+ standard. In India, ADSL2+ will need to compete with the home grown and government supported HDVSL standard which supports 36 Mbit/s download speeds.[24][25]


TELKOM [215] – PT. TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA Provides Up to 3 Mbit/s downstream with ADSL2+ Broadband Internet connection called SPEEDY. CBN Internet [216] – PT. Cyberindo Aditama provides 10 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream of ADSL2+ broadband Internet connection called CBN DirectNet IRON AGE, mainly available in high rise residential.


Bezeq [217] , in November 2007, started to offer ADSL2+ service at 8 Mbit/s download with 800 kbit/s upload. The service is available only to 40% of the customers, living near the switch. At the beginning of 2009, Bezeq started to deploy the NGN service that delivers higher speeds of up to 15Mb using ADSL2+ and up to 100 Mbit/s using VDSL2, to all customers, by cutting the distance to the DSLAM.


Megaline, a subsidiary of KazakhTelecom (a state-owned telecommunications provider) is operated at a maximum speed of 8 Mbit/s for downstream and 1 Mbit/s for upstream.


Qualitynet in Kuwait provides up to 24 Mbit/s downstream & 1 Mbit/s upstream of unlimited ADSL2+ broadband Internet connection (depends on the quality of the line which varies from an area to another).

Bonding service is also offered by this provider for the areas that doesn't handle high speed broadband connection.

KEMS [218] is another ISP which offers unlimited ADSL2+ that goes up to 20 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream.

Fasttelco also offering similar services providing unlimited ADSL2+ with maximum speed of 24 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream respectively.


Ogero has started to deploy ADSL2+ in Lebanon in June 2007. Today, more than 95% of the subscribers are covered. In July 2014, prices were brought down to become one of the most attractive in the Middle East Region, starting at 24,000 L.L./month ($16) for 4Mbit/s downstream 1Mbit/s upstream 40GB cap. Higher speeds are also available at very affordable and competitive prices, reaching 24Mbit/s for $47 with 200GB cap.


ADSL 2+ is provided by Malaysia's largest internet service provider Telekom Malaysia under the brand of Streamyx The unlimited package of 1 Mbit/s costs MYR 110 (US$26) 2Mbit/s MYR 130 (US$31) 4Mbit/s MYR 140 (US$33) 8Mbit/s MYR 160 (US$38) /month. Very expensive compared to their fiber packages, where the price for the fiber package UniFi is as low as RM70 ($US 19) for 30 Mbit/s (Basic Plan) and the highest fiber package is RM 199 ($​​US47) for speeds of 300 Mbit/s. However, coverage for fiber packages is mostly concentrated in urban areas and rural coverage is limited


Omantel [219] company provides ADSL2+ in Oman. Starting on April 27, 2008 to be the first telecommunication company that provides ADSL+ in the Persian Gulf region.


  • PTCL, under the brand name of Broadband Pakistan, is Pakistan's largest ADSL2+ service provider. It provides data service of up to 10 Mbit/s for home users, and at up to 50 Mbit/s for corporate offices. The prices per Mbit/s is one of the lowest in the world at PKR. 525 (US$5.30). The unlimited package of 1 Mbit/s costs only PKR. 1299 (US$12.69)/month.[26]

  • Habib Rafiq International [220] provides DSL data connectivity across Pakistan since January 2003, with major POP's in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Karachi and Sialkot.

  • Micronet [221] provides DSL services in Pakistan since July 2002. Islamabad and Rawalpindi are the major cities covered by MBL.

  • LinkDotNet [222] , a project by Orascom, started its services in Pakistan at the end of 2007, now defunct.

  • Multinet Pakistan 'www.multi.net.pk' , a subsidiary of Axiata Group, started its services in Jul 2002 in Karachi and being one of the pioneer of DSL in Pakistan. It has now discontinued its ADSL and switched to Metro Ethernet and FTTX solutions.


  • Globe Telecom, under Globe at Home Broadband provides 20Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream.[27]

  • PLDT, under PLDT Home DSL: Up to 20 Mbit/s downstream, up to 1 Mbit/s upstream.[28]

  • Eastern Communications, under EvoDSL: Up to 15 Mbit/s downstream.

Saudi Arabia

STC offers ADSL2+ service up-to a maximum of 20 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream. The service is called Baity DSL [223] (My Home DSL) and as of 2019 it costs SAR 210 per month Inclusive of 5% VAT (USD $56). The maximum attainable data rate however depends on the location and usually is less than the stated maximum at most locations.


Singapore's largest ADSL internet service provider SingNet under the subsidiary of SingTel provides 25 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream of ADSL2+ broadband Internet connection.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's Fixed Network ISP Sri Lanka Telecom provides 16 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream of ADSL2+ broadband Internet connection as of 2012.


Hi-Speed Internet ISPs deploy ADSL2+ Services over POTS. There is also Annex M support in some areas.

  • 3BB [224] by Triple T [225]  : providing 20 Mbit/s downstream with 1 Mbit/s upstream.

  • TOT Hispeed [226] by TOT (TOT ISP) : providing 20 Mbit/s downstream with 1 Mbit/s upstream.

  • True Online [227] by True Corporation : providing 16 Mbit/s downstream with 1 Mbit/s upstream.

  • Hinet [228] by CAT : providing 16 Mbit/s downstream with 1 Mbit/s upstream.

United Arab Emirates

Etisalat offers ADSL2+ in speeds of 2 Mbit/s all over the UAE, and up to 4 Mbit/s in some areas that support it. Etisalat have chosen not to improve their ADSL speeds any further, as they have already started implementing high speed cable connections using fiber optics, which supports speeds up to 500Mbps [229] .

See also

  • ADSL


  • List of device bandwidths

  • VDSL2


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