Further education

Further education

Further education (often abbreviated FE) in the United Kingdom and Ireland is education in addition to that received at secondary school, that is distinct from the higher education (HE) offered in universities and other academic institutions. It may be at any level in compulsory secondary education, from entry to higher level qualifications such as awards, certificates, diplomas and other vocational, competency-based qualifications (including those previously known as NVQ/SVQs) through awarding organisations including City and Guilds, Edexcel (BTEC) and OCR. FE colleges may also offer HE qualifications such as HNC, HND, Foundation Degree or PGCE. The colleges are also a large provider of apprenticeships, where most of the training takes place in the apprentices' workplace with some day release into college.
FE in the United Kingdom is usually a means to attain an intermediate, advanced or follow-up qualification necessary to progress into HE, or to begin a specific career path, e.g. accountant, engineer or veterinary surgeon. It is available to students over 16 at colleges of Further Education, through work-based learning, or adult and community learning institutions.
In the United States and Canada, the term continuing education has a similar meaning.
By country
United Kingdom
Colleges in England are incorporated under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. These include:
General further education colleges
Sixth form colleges
Land-based colleges
Specialist designated colleges
Art, design and performing art colleges
Colleges are primarily covered by the Department for Education (DfE). Until July 2016, colleges were also covered by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). With the abolition of BIS and formation of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on 14 July 2016, responsibility for FE colleges moved to DfE.[1] The regulatory body for sixth form colleges was already DfE prior to the 2016 changes.
The Technical and Further Education Act 2017 laid out a framework for an insolvency regime for further education colleges known as "Education Administration". This is a form of corporate administration adapted to the needs of further education, to be used "where a further education body is unable to pay its debts or is likely to become unable to pay its debts" and intended "to avoid or minimise disruption to the studies of the existing students of the further education body as a whole".[4]
All colleges and FE providers are subject to inspection by Ofsted which monitors the quality of provision in publicly funded institutions in England and Wales.
Colleges in England are represented by the Association of Colleges.
Northern Ireland
Further education in Northern Ireland is provided through six multi-campus colleges [1] [11] . Northern Ireland's Department for Employment and Learning has the responsibility for providing FE in the province.
Belfast Metropolitan College
North West Regional College
Northern Regional College
South Eastern Regional College
South West College
Southern Regional College
Most secondary schools also provide a Sixth Form scheme whereby a student can choose to attend said school for 2 additional years to complete their AS and A-levels.
Scotland's further education colleges provide education for those young people who follow a vocational route after the end of compulsory education at age 16. They offer a wide range of vocational qualifications to young people and older adults, including vocational, competency-based qualifications (previously known as SVQs), Higher National Certificates and Higher National Diplomas. Frequently, the first two years of higher education, usually in the form of an HND can be taken in an FE college, followed by attendance at university.
Further education in Wales is provided through:
Sixth form colleges
FE colleges
High school sixth form within secondary schools
Further education in Wales comes under the remit of the Welsh Assembly Government and was formerly funded by ELWa before its merger with the Assembly.
Republic of Ireland
The FE education in the Republic of Ireland is similar to that offered in the UK. Typical areas include apprenticeships and other vocational qualifications in many disciplines, such as childcare, farming, retail, and tourism. There are many different types of further education awards, known as Post Leaving Certificates.
Further education has expanded immensely in recent years helped by the institutions and their relationships with their communities. Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), which was established on 6 November 2012,[5] is the regulatory for FE qualifications.
See also
Bullying in further education
Education by country
European Qualifications Framework
Learning environment
Learning space
National Union of Students of the United Kingdom
Technical and Further Education (Australia)
Workers Educational Association