Eva Galperin
Eva Galperin
Eva Galperin is the Director of Cybersecurity at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and technical advisor for the Freedom of the Press Foundation.
[1] She is noted for her extensive work in protecting global privacy and free speech and for her research on malware and nation-state spyware.
Galperin became interested in computers at an early age through her father, who was a computer security specialist.
When she was 12, he created a desktop for her on his Unix / Solaris computer and she became active in Usenet discussion areas about science fiction novels and playing interactive text games, and she later became active in web development.
She attended college at San Francisco State University for political science and international relations while working as a Unix system administrator at various companies in Silicon Valley.
Galperin joined the EFF in 2007.
Prior to EFF, she worked at the Center for US-China policy studies, where she helped to organize conferences and researched Chinese energy policy.