Distance (graph theory)
Distance (graph theory)
In the mathematical field of graph theory, the distance between two vertices in a graph is the number of edges in a shortest path (also called a graph geodesic) connecting them. This is also known as the geodesic distance.[1] Notice that there may be more than one shortest path between two vertices.[2] If there is no path connecting the two vertices, i.e., if they belong to different connected components, then conventionally the distance is defined as infinite.
Related concepts
A metric space defined over a set of points in terms of distances in a graph defined over the set is called a graph metric. The vertex set (of an undirected graph) and the distance function form a metric space, if and only if the graph is connected.
The partition of a graph's vertices into subsets by their distances from a given starting vertex is called the level structure of the graph.
A graph such that for every pair of vertices there is a unique shortest path connecting them is called a geodetic graph. For example, all trees are geodetic.[4]
Algorithm for finding pseudo-peripheral vertices
Often peripheral sparse matrix algorithms need a starting vertex with a high eccentricity. A peripheral vertex would be perfect, but is often hard to calculate. In most circumstances a pseudo-peripheral vertex can be used. A pseudo-peripheral vertex can easily be found with the following algorithm:
Choose a vertex .
Among all the vertices that are as far from as possible, let be one with minimal degree.
If then set and repeat with step 2, else is a pseudo-peripheral vertex.
See also
Distance matrix
Resistance distance
Betweenness centrality
Degree diameter problem for graphs and digraphs
Metric graph