Clausius–Clapeyron relation

Clausius–Clapeyron relation

Derivation from state postulate
Derivation from Gibbs–Duhem relation
Furthermore, along the coexistence curve,
One may therefore use the Gibbs–Duhem relation
Rearrangement gives
from which the derivation of the Clapeyron equation continues as in the previous section.
Ideal gas approximation at low temperatures
at low temperatures. If pressure is also low, the gas may be approximated by the ideal gas law, so that
These last equations are useful because they relate equilibrium or saturation vapor pressure and temperature to the latent heat of the phase change, without requiring specific volume data.
Chemistry and chemical engineering
For transitions between a gas and a condensed phase with the approximations described above, the expression may be rewritten as
Meteorology and climatology
Atmospheric water vapor drives many important meteorologic phenomena (notably precipitation), motivating interest in its dynamics. The Clausius–Clapeyron equation for water vapor under typical atmospheric conditions (near standard temperature and pressure) is
is saturation vapor pressure
is temperature
is the specific latent heat of evaporation of water
is the gas constant of water vapor
(This is also sometimes called the Magnus or Magnus–Tetens approximation, though this attribution is historically inaccurate.)[9] But see also this discussion of the accuracy of different approximating formulae for saturation vapour pressure of water.
and substituting in
we obtain
To provide a rough example of how much pressure this is, to melt ice at −7 °C (the temperature many ice skating rinks are set at) would require balancing a small car (mass = 1000 kg[11]) on a thimble (area = 1 cm²).
Second derivative
While the Clausius–Clapeyron relation gives the slope of the coexistence curve, it does not provide any information about its curvature or second derivative. The second derivative of the coexistence curve of phases 1 and 2 is given by [12]
See also
Van 't Hoff equation
Antoine equation
Lee–Kesler method