Cáceres Cathedral
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Cáceres Cathedral
Cáceres Cathedral
The Co-Cathedral of Cáceres is a Roman Catholic church in the town of Cáceres, region of Extremadura, Spain.
The cathedral was erected in the 15th century in a Gothic style, with the main portal following the Romanesque architectural tradition. The main 16th-century retablo, dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin, was carved by Roque Balduque and Guillen Ferrant. The interior has notable artworks and sculptures, including a San Pedro de Alcantara by Enrique Pérez Comendador.
This church was granted the status of co-cathedral in 1957; it shares Coria's diocese.[1]
Citation Linkwww.turismo.ayto-caceres.esTourism office of Cáceres, entry on church.
Sep 30, 2019, 11:46 AM
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Sep 30, 2019, 11:46 AM