Bình Long, Bình Phước
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Bình Long, Bình Phước
Bình Long, Bình Phước
Bình Long is a town of Bình Phước Province in the Southeast region of Vietnam. As of 2009, the district had a population of 57,590, and an area of 126 km². The district capital lies at An Lộc.[1]
Geographical location
Bình Long borders Hớn Quản District to the east, west and south, and Lộc Ninh District to the north.
Administrative division
Bình Long consists of 4 wards (phường) and 2 communes (xã):
Wards: An Lộc, Hưng Chiến, Phú Thịnh, Phú Đức
Communes: Thanh Lương, Thanh Phú
Citation Linkwww.statoids.com"Nghị quyết số 35/NQ-CP". Government of Vietnam. Retrieved Feb 9, 2014.
Sep 21, 2019, 2:11 AM
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Sep 21, 2019, 2:11 AM